Stop Your Hardening of the Arteries

Enjoy your mountain cabin retreat
Knowing you have taken positive action to reverse your hardening of the arteries condition

Worried About a Heart Attack?

You probably are if you have a
hardening of the arteries condition.

What can you do to treat your artery condition?

A low fat diet doesn’t help.

In fact, it makes the condition worse.

But there’s an action you can take.

Vitamin K2 has been shown to combat your calcium plaque buildup artery hardening condition.

With a healthy heart
No artery plaque build-up
Your enjoying your grandkids

· And possibly reverse it.

· Data from a study shows “How did the problem manifest itself

· It wasn’t your fault.

You probably never heard about K2.

· It’s not just vitamin K. Or K1.

· It’s K2 – a separate nutrient supplement.

The typical American low fat diet practically eliminates providing you with vitamin K2.

· And without K2, your body is at fault with a problem.

· Your body mistakenly takes calcium and aims at your soft tissues such as the inner walls of arteries.

·· Plaque is deposited on your inner artery walls and it builds up over time.

·· K2 works to correct the calcium misdirection problem.

·· It’s atherosclerosis prevention.

Can you just go on a low calcium diet to prevent hardening of the arteries?

No. Don’t go on a calcium lowering diet.

· Your body needs calcium for your bones and teeth.

·· Reference a study –

·· Quote from the study – “calcium is essential to the strength of your bones, so if you’re not getting enough of the mineral they may be susceptible to easy fracturing.”

· Your action plan – Go with a vitamin K2 regimen.

Vitamin K2 is readily available in pill form.

And at a low cost.

· Suggested dosage is 120 mcg a day.

· A product such as Weider’s Vitamin K2 is 180 mcg per dosage.

·· Readily available at pharmacies such as Costco in the vitamin section.

·· Vitamin K2 fights off the calcium artery plaque build-up process in your arteries.

·· K2 directs the calcium that your body absorbs towards your bones and teeth.

·· Suggestion to take a 2000 IU Vitamin D3 piill with the K2.

··· K2 and D3 together – a powerful combination working for you.

· You would be comforted to know that you are doing something positive to reverse the artery hardening process.

·· To live a long, comfortable life.

·· You can check on your plaque build-up with a CT scan.

·· And you can check up on progress with bone density measurements. Watch them improve.

Foods that can help you with your vitamin K2 intake are:

· Fat containing dairy – butter, whole milk, hard cheeses.

· Fermented vegetables – sauerkraut (Japanese prefer fermented soybeans).

· Fatty fish – salmon, lake trout, sardines, albacore tuna.

· Dark meat chicken, egg yolk.

In other words, get away from a low fat diet.

Your action plan for a healthier, longer life.

Conquer getting away from artery plaque build-up.

· Several K2 studies show the artery plaque build-up process is reversible.

Get on a K2 pill dosage regimen.

Get off your low fat diet.

Add the fatty foods listed above to your diet.

Thank you Vitamin K2.

Ref. – Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements for the Americas, Lyle MacMillian, pp. 69-78.

Ref. – Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox, Kate Rheaume-Bleue